Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Sao Paulo has definitely been an adventure. Life is good. Nivea is loving her internship and I am learning to enjoy my school a little better. I still haven't found an academic calender, but I think I'm aware of all holidays until the end of the semester. I informed one of my professors yesterday that he didn't need to come to class this Thursday or next Tuesday. I think he would have heard about the Holiday before showing up, but you never can be too sure. Do I have any idea what the holiday is for? No, but I am thrilled to be able to go to Rio de Janeiro and soak up some rain and hopefully some sun as well this weekend. Pics to follow.

I really need to add a picture of Nivea getting on the bus in the mornings. It's such a funny experience that, I'm praying, will be unique to this time of our lives. The doors open and bodies that were pressed against the door are suddenly free to bulge out a bit. You the kind of get your feet on the bus in between other people's and let the doors smash you against the crowd. I'm sure others who have traveled have seen this, but it has been a very new experience for me. The weirdest part is after that, everyone is almost silent. Here we are in Brazil, in a tiny space packed full of the loudest people on earth, and almost nobody talks. Nivea still talks of course, which is great because I get to practice my Portuguese on the friends she makes. It's amazing how natural it is for her to talk to people and make friends. It is truly a gift.

Last night was fun. After all my years of rebelling against learning the piano I have officially become a piano teacher. Ha. This kid and his brother in ward want to learn. Carlos and Clayton. We had our first lesson last night. It's amazing how some kids that grow up without opportunity can be so excited to learn something that privileged kids dread and hate so much. It was cool to see how interested he was.

Hopefully we will take some fun pics soon.